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Secret Fear: Am I good enough?

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Take a look at the photo below.

Yep, that's me.

Just imagine that kid cruising around in his freshly painted 1972 Pontiac LeMans and singing his lungs out to the band Mr. Mister’s “Kyrie Eleison.” Oh, and add to that the idea that he does not have the first clue as to what those words mean (it’s Greek for “Lord Have Mercy,” BTW).

Give me a break.

So, what is my secret fear? That someone made a recording of my singing? No--keep reading.

The secret fear we are talking about today is “Am I good enough?”

And if my life experience has taught me anything, you are probably dealing with it more than you realize.

It is so common that famous researcher Brene Brown spent six years studying this question! She found the answer to the question “Am I good enough?” came down to one ingredient: feeling worthy.

“There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they’re worthy of love and belonging. That’s it. They believe they’re worthy… [T]he one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we’re not worthy of connection….” Brene Brown

That’s it. One thing. One thing that is entirely under your control: How you feel about yourself.

What does that have to do with Mr. Mister’s Billboard Hit?

The phrase from the Mr. Mister song, Kyrie Eleison, has been used in religious communities since the 1500s. The reason for its enduring popularity lies in its ability to fulfill our deep-seated needs, a testament to the boundless love of our Creator for humanity.

It’s all about feeling worthy on earth because we were declared worthy by Heaven.

So, let me make a few suggestions:

  1. Remember that you are not your brain. Your brain is a tool given to you for your use.

  2. Thoughts are not true just because you think them. The person we lie to the most is ourselves.

  3. Stop looking for evidence that you are a nobody. We tend to travel in the direction that we are looking.

  4. Glance deep into a mirror and declare, “Kyrie Eleison. I am loved, I am worthy of love and I love myself.”

  5. Believe you have another greatest hit in you. Start figuring out what it is! Because you do.

  6. Forget singing like nobody is listening. Sing like everyone is listening, and you don’t care!

The world is waiting to hear your song.

I know I am.

Have a good day, all day.


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